Maison à Augusta, Australie - chez Lisa
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Résidence principale
4 couchages
3 Chambres
2 Salles de bain
200 m²
2 lits simples
1 lit double
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En savoir plusDescription
Lisa a complété sa maison en anglais.
Ce que vous allez adorer dans ce logement
The house was built in 2022. It's a beautiful, fresh and clean house with all amenities to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Very conveniently located in a very small town.
Ce que vous allez adorer dans le quartier
Augusta is a very small town in the Margaret River region situated close to Cape Leeuwin. The cape is located between the Indian and Southern Oceans and has the tallest lighthouse on mainland Australia situated on the edge of the cape. There are many attractions close by - caves, awesome wineries, breweries, restaurants, surfing beaches, kite surfing, hiking and mountain biking to name a few.
The house boasts amazing river views.
My 86 year old father lives in the house directly behind mine. Neighbours to the east are hardly ever there as it's their holiday home. Other neighbours are quiet and respectful.
The house boasts amazing river views.
My 86 year old father lives in the house directly behind mine. Neighbours to the east are hardly ever there as it's their holiday home. Other neighbours are quiet and respectful.
Le mot de la fin
There are a lot of fantastic walking tracks in the area. April/May is the best time of the year in Augusta as the weather is mild, ocean's still warm and there's less wind.
Whilst the coast is awesome, Augusta boasts a beautiful river and bush walks. The area is a biodiversity hotspot for unique Australian native flora. There's also a Karri tree forest (Boranup), within a ten minute drive from the town centre.
Whilst the coast is awesome, Augusta boasts a beautiful river and bush walks. The area is a biodiversity hotspot for unique Australian native flora. There's also a Karri tree forest (Boranup), within a ten minute drive from the town centre.
ID de la maison
#2288788URL copiée !
Nos fondamentaux
Machine à laver
Smart TV
Home cinéma
Les petits plus
Air conditionné
Place de parking privée
Balcon / terrasse
Équipements éco-responsables
Machines basse consommation
Panneaux solaires
Règles de la maison
Plantes vertes à arroser
Questions fréquentes (FAQ)
Est-ce que ce logement est adapté aux télétravailleurs ?
Oui, ce logement dispose d’une connexion Wi-Fi. Nous vous recommandons tout de même de discuter avec l’hôte afin de vous assurer que la vitesse de connexion est suffisante pour vos besoins.
Y a-t-il un parking pour ce logement ?
Oui, ce logement dispose d'un ou plusieurs emplacements de parking.
Combien de chambres y a-t-il dans ce logement ?
Ce logement dispose de 3 chambres.
Quelle est la surface de ce logement ?
La surface de ce logement est de 200m2.
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