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Appartement à Monte Sant'angelo, Italie - chez Francesco Ricucci

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Résidence secondaire
3 couchages
2 Chambres
2 Salles de bain
70 m²
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En savoir plus


Francesco Ricucci a complété sa maison en italien, anglais.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans ce logement

My house is located in the center of Monte Sant'Angelo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, famous for the sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo, a pilgrimage destination for Christian faithful since the 6th century.
The National Geographic Society has recognized the Cave of San Michele Arcangelo as one of the most beautiful sacred caves in the world. To be precise, the Micaelic cave was positioned in eighth place in the world top ten compiled by the scientific body. Furthermore, it is the only Italian cave included in the list of the top ten.[
The urban center rises on the Gargano in a wooded area not far from the sea. The famous Foresta Umbra and the beautiful beaches are just a few minutes away by car.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans le quartier

Monte Sant'Angelo is the ideal place to visit the whole Gargano.

Le mot de la fin

Monte Sant'Angelo has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

ID de la maison

#2289751URL copiée !


Nos fondamentaux

Machine à laver
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Ce logement dispose de 2 chambres.
La surface de ce logement est de 70m2.
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