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Maison à Newport, Etats-Unis - chez Amy & Jay

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Résidence principale
9 couchages
6 Chambres
3 Salles de bain
3000 ft²
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En savoir plus


Amy & Jay a complété sa maison en anglais.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans ce logement

Our home is located in a private area, with a gated yard. Our beachy decor and comfortable furnishings provide a great get away spot, just outside the hustle and bustle of Newport's downtown area. Stroll along the cliffwalk, visit our famous downtown for dinner and boat ride or spend the day on our sandy beaches! All minutes away from our comfortable dwelling. Our home is very family friendly with two playrooms for the kids and plenty of space to relax. This is our primary residence, so we do have personal items throughout.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans le quartier

We are in a great spot with many restaurants, shops and activities in walking distance. We are also located a block over from a Newport city public transportation stop. We are a few miles from multiple beaches and approximately a mile walk into the heart of town! Our neighborhood is residential, we are one street over from the main road; Broadway. Newport is a New England summer resort and is famous for its historic mansions and its rich sailing history. There is so much to do here! Your the mansions, trek the cliff wall, check out the historical homes in the Point. Visit Ryans amusements for a break for the kids and then get ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s on Bowens Wharf OR Kilwins I’ve Cream! We have plenty of amazing restaurant options and I’m happy to provide recommendations as needed! We have lived here for 13+ years and have great insider suggestions!

Le mot de la fin

Our home is set up with an open floor plan on the first floor, with kitchen, dining room, tv room, half bath, playroom and pantry. The second floor has two kids bedrooms, one bedroom with a king size bed, a second play room and a full bath with tub/shower. The third floor is our primary guest area, it has two bedroooms with king size beds, one office/bedroom with a daybed & trundle. The third floor is also equipped with a full bathroom (shower). There is laundry in the basement and an outdoor shower for easy rinse off after the beach! We do ask for a $150 cleaning fee to be paid for guests using guest points (non reciprocal exchange). Our comfy home was originally built in the 1900's but has been renovated throughout the years. Given our younger children, we have two playrooms, your children are welcome to utilize the toys, just please put them back as they were when you leave. We have recently adopted a friendly rescue kitten Snuggles who lives with us.

ID de la maison

#2439172URL copiée !


Bord de mer


Nos fondamentaux

Four micro-onde
Machine à laver
Smart TV
Home cinéma

Les petits plus

Air conditionné
Place de parking privée

Spécial enfants

Jouets pour enfants
Aire de jeux pour enfants

Spécial télétravail

Espace de travail dédié
Connexion haut débit

Équipements éco-responsables

Accès aux transports en commun
Panneaux solaires
Tri sélectif des déchets
Voir plus


Ce logement abrite un ou plusieurs animaux pouvant provoquer des allergies !


Règles de la maison

Enfants bienvenus
Les animaux sont les bienvenus
Plantes vertes à arroser
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Questions fréquentes (FAQ)

Oui, ce logement dispose d’une connexion Wi-Fi. Nous vous recommandons tout de même de discuter avec l’hôte afin de vous assurer que la vitesse de connexion est suffisante pour vos besoins.
Oui, ce logement dispose d'un ou plusieurs emplacements de parking.
Ce logement dispose de 6 chambres.
La surface de ce logement est de 278m2.
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