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Maison à Morristown, Etats-Unis - chez James

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La destination préférée de James est Charleston. Voir plus
Résidence principale
9 couchages
4 Chambres
4 Salles de bain
2497 ft²
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En savoir plus


James a complété sa maison en anglais.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans ce logement

Residential single family home that is described as an expanded ranch. The main first floor has a kitchen, LR, DR , 2 bed rooms, office and 2 full baths. All rooms have been updated in the past 5 years and it is an "open" configuration.
There is also a deck off the dining room with table, couch chairs and grill. The second floor can be closed off and has two bedrooms and one full bath with it own separate heat and AC. The basement floor has a 2 car walk-in garage, finished TV room with work-out area and office space. There is also a half-bath and laundry room. We have recently landscaped the entire house and repaved the driveway. You can live on the first floor if it is just 2-4 people or open up the second floor to sleep 8 people. In the mornings we get bright sunshine as the sun rises and can see the New York City skyline through the kitchen windows. Out back is a wooded area with a view to the west to watch the sun sets.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans le quartier

Completely residential with single family homes. We are at the top of a 700 ft. hill with a winding street. Great for walking animals and there are several playgrounds close by. You can walk to downtown (1.5 miles) where there are shops, restaurants, a central green square, a performing arts center. A major hospital is close by and the train into NYC takes about an hour.
There are several county, state and National parks nearby for hiking and biking.

Le mot de la fin

ID de la maison

#2468644URL copiée !


Nos fondamentaux

Machine à laver

Les petits plus

Air conditionné
Salle de sport privée
Balcon / terrasse

Spécial télétravail

Espace de travail dédié
Connexion haut débit

Équipements éco-responsables

Tri sélectif des déchets
Voir plus


Ce logement abrite un ou plusieurs animaux pouvant provoquer des allergies !



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Questions fréquentes (FAQ)

Oui, ce logement dispose d’une connexion Wi-Fi. Nous vous recommandons tout de même de discuter avec l’hôte afin de vous assurer que la vitesse de connexion est suffisante pour vos besoins.
Ce logement dispose de 4 chambres.
La surface de ce logement est de 231m2.
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