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Maison avec jardin à Del Mar, Etats-Unis - chez Scott

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Résidence principale
6 couchages
3 Chambres
2 Salles de bain
1500 ft²
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En savoir plus


Scott a complété sa maison en anglais.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans ce logement

We are very fortunate to have one of the best private homes in Del Mar, part of San Diego's best beach villages. Our home is private gate guarded, and has exceptional views from every room, mainly of the Torrey Pines State Beach and State Park Cliffs. We are minute's walk away from the beach, and restaurants, and minute's drive away from the world-famous Torrey Pines Golf Course. We are also members of the nicest health resort and spa in San Diego County, The Bay Club. You may have access to that health facility for its standard guest fee.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans le quartier

Our neighborhood is the nicest, and most tourist-desired community in San Diego. Our street is tranquil, pedestrian, dog walker and bike-friendly. It has quick and easy access to everything San Diego and Southern California offers.

Le mot de la fin

If our guests choose not to clean sheets and remake beds, there is a $150 cleaning fee.
The options for the description of the home on the Home Exchange website are somewhat lacking. So in an attempt to be completely accurate:
PLEASE READ OUR HOUSE MANUAL BEFORE and UPON ARRIVAL. We have experienced guests who did not read fully our home descriptions and made it doubly challenging for all of us. THANKS so much.
The master bedroom upstairs has a Cal King bed.
The second bedroom/office has a large leather sofa (single bed) we use as a guest bed.
The third bedroom has a new queen very nice mattress with minimal space around the mattress. We offer the use of our bed linens and pillows for all beds.
(We are getting ready to add 2000 sq ft to our home in mid/late 2025 with an extensive and expensive remodel.) There is similar construction remodeling in our neighborhood sometimes starting at 7 am M-F.
I currently have tenants, My Tran and Brandon, and their dog Bubba, who rent the lower half of the house downstairs. They live on the south end of the property with a 2 bd and 1 ba home with their own living room and patio areas. We don’t share space, so it’s almost like a ”townhouse” sharing one common wall. They have no upstairs space. Please be respectful of the "no guest entry" signs so you are not unexpectedly intruding on their privacy. They are extremely quiet, and courteous. You most likely will never see them. Feel free to call them if you like at 707 803 3566 for emergency issues.
Sorry for any confusion. We are new to all of this. Feel free to call me anytime with any questions or concerns. Scott 858 761 2440

ID de la maison

#2559379URL copiée !


Bord de mer


Nos fondamentaux

Machine à laver
Logement adapté
Smart TV
Satellite / câble

Les petits plus

Place de parking privée
Jardin privé
Balcon / terrasse

Spécial télétravail

Espace de travail dédié
Connexion haut débit

Équipements éco-responsables

Machines basse consommation
Accès aux transports en commun
Tri sélectif des déchets
Voir plus


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Questions fréquentes (FAQ)

Oui, ce logement dispose d'un jardin. Vous trouverez plus de détails sur le jardin et les autres équipements du logement sur cette page.
Oui, ce logement dispose d’une connexion Wi-Fi. Nous vous recommandons tout de même de discuter avec l’hôte afin de vous assurer que la vitesse de connexion est suffisante pour vos besoins.
Oui, ce logement dispose d'un ou plusieurs emplacements de parking.
Ce logement dispose de 3 chambres.
La surface de ce logement est de 139m2.
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