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Maison avec jardin à Comox Valley, Canada - chez Julie

  • Identité et domicile vérifiés
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Résidence secondaire
10 couchages
3 Chambres
2 Salles de bain
93 ft²
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En savoir plus


Julie a complété sa maison en anglais.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans ce logement

My Hornby home is located a block from the water on Hornby Island, British Columbia. It is a cosy two bedroom home with a large loft and sleeping area. There is also a small secondary cabin with a bedroom and bathroom. Hornby Island is one of the most beautiful islands along the coast of British Columbia. Tribune Bay is an absolutely lovely, soft sandy beach that is perfect for swimming and playing in the summer months. Heliwell Provincial Park is a gorgeous park with trails through the forest, along the bluffs, and next to the ocean. During the summer months, the farmers market is held twice a week where you can find amazing produce, beautiful art, and delicious treats to eat!

Ce que vous allez adorer dans le quartier

Grassy Point is one of the residential areas of the island and the preferred place to watch the sunset. It is centrally located, not far from the farmers market area and midpoint between the ferries and co-op store.

Le mot de la fin

When you arrive in Vancouver BC Canada you will need a vehicle. To reach your final destination on Hornby Island you have to travel by ferry to Vancouver Island and drive to Buckley Bay to catch a ferry to Denman Island and then one more ferry to Hornby. Total travel time is about 5 hours. Don’t be discouraged as it’s a very beautiful journey and we’ll worth the effort!

My little cabin (bedroom and bathroom) is almost always availabe. Please inquire if you would like just one bedroom and a bathroom.

ID de la maison

#2694165URL copiée !


Bord de mer


Nos fondamentaux

Four micro-onde
Machine à laver
Smart TV

Les petits plus

Jardin privé

Équipements éco-responsables

Voir plus

Règles de la maison

Enfants bienvenus


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Questions fréquentes (FAQ)

Oui, ce logement dispose d'un jardin. Vous trouverez plus de détails sur le jardin et les autres équipements du logement sur cette page.
Oui, ce logement dispose d’une connexion Wi-Fi. Nous vous recommandons tout de même de discuter avec l’hôte afin de vous assurer que la vitesse de connexion est suffisante pour vos besoins.
Ce logement dispose de 3 chambres.
La surface de ce logement est de 8m2.
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