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Maison à Gosnells, Australie - chez Prunella and Graham

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Chambre privée
Résidence secondaire
3 couchages
1 Chambre
1 Salle de bain
12 m²
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En savoir plus


Prunella and Graham a complété sa maison en anglais.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans ce logement

This is a private master bedroom with a huge built in robe and large window looking out into the front garden in a cosy quiet home. Nestled in this quiet street is this beautifully maintained 3x1 brick and tile home built in the late 60's with established gardens, it brings back memories when life was simpler.

Polished wooden jarrah floors give you a sense of welcome and warmth as soon as you walk in the door. Split system air/con for comfortable living and lots of ceiling fans. 3 spacious bedrooms and the separate lounge, recently renovated bathroom and a powder room so 2 WC, laundry room with washing machine... life couldn't be easier.

Imagine gazing out the dining room window at the large peaceful backyard.

Ce que vous allez adorer dans le quartier

Gosnells is a local government area in the southeastern suburbs of the Western Australian capital city of Perth, located northwest of Armadale and about 20 kilometres (12 mi) southeast of Perth's central business district. The City covers an area of 128 square kilometres (49.42 sq mi), a portion of which is state forest rising into the Darling Scarp to the east.

It is a short 25 minute drive from our home to the city centre and 20 minute drive or uber from the airport. The bus stop is only a short walk away and it takes about an hour by bus to arrive at the central city. The soon to be re-opened train line will make the journey to the city only 15 min, this home is centrally located to school and shopping centres, restaurants, library, post office, parks, public BBQ's, playgrounds, take away places, cafes, etc and Mary Carol Bird Sanctuary is nearby.

Le mot de la fin

ID de la maison

#2787780URL copiée !




Nos fondamentaux

Four micro-onde
Machine à laver
Logement adapté

Les petits plus

Air conditionné

Équipements éco-responsables

Accès aux transports en commun
Tri sélectif des déchets
Voir plus


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Questions fréquentes (FAQ)

Oui, ce logement dispose d’une connexion Wi-Fi. Nous vous recommandons tout de même de discuter avec l’hôte afin de vous assurer que la vitesse de connexion est suffisante pour vos besoins.
Ce logement dispose de 1 chambres.
La surface de ce logement est de 12m2.
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